Five Methods for Increasing the Ranking of Your Website (SEO)

How can you make your website’s SEO better? By implementing these tips, you may enhance your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and see it climb to the top of search engine results.

1. Publish Relevant, Authoritative Content

We consider on-page SEO to be the secret to success in search engines. The most important factor influencing your search engine results is material that is genuine, credible, and of high quality. When it comes to SEO marketing, this is especially true. A well-written piece of content tailored to your target audience boosts traffic to your website, enhancing its authority and relevancy. Develop your online writing abilities and establish yourself as an authority on the subject you are writing about.


Select and aim for a certain search phrase for every page with authoritative material on your website. Consider the search terms your reader could use to find that particular page, such as:

  • engineering management master’s program offered online
  • Biomedical engineering: what is it?
  • Resources for Title IX Education
  • taking pictures of the northern lights
  • How can I submit a scholarship application?
  • The deadline for the FAFSA is when?
  • What distinguishes engineering technology from engineering?

Multiple Keyword Phrases

A webpage cannot hope to score well in search results for more than one keyword phrase unless those phrases are quite close. Both “biomedical engineering jobs” and “biomedical engineering careers” may be ranked on a single page. Ranking on one page for “violence reporting procedures” and “dean of students” or “gender discrimination” and “student affairs” is improbable.

You must create a different webpage for each keyword phrase you wish to target if you want your website to rank for many keyword phrases.

Placing Keywords

  • After selecting your keyword phrase for a particular page, think about the following queries:
  • I want to use keywords in folders, but can I use the entire keyword phrase in the page URL?
  • Recall which characters to omit from URLs.
  • Is it permissible to utilize the entire keyword phrase in the page title?
  • Is it permissible to utilize the entire keyword phrase in headers and subheadings on pages?

If the answer to these questions is “yes,” you can raise your search engine rating. But be casual and approachable. For example, you don’t want the URL to contain the word “engineering” three or more times, nor do you want the phrase “Northern Lights” to appear repeatedly in the page title and headings. Search engine optimization is still subordinate to readability and usefulness.


Content has a greater impact on search engine results than headers, titles, and page URLs combined. The terms “on-page SEO” and “page optimization” are frequently used to describe content optimization. The introductory and closing paragraphs should contain one or two repetitions of your keyword phrase, and the remaining text should contain two to four repetitions of the phrase. Exhibit authority. Create thoughtful links to pertinent resources and extra information, both from within the main website of your company and to other websites that may be of interest to your target audience.

Experience and Expertise

Giving your target audience access to your experiences and knowledge is crucial when creating content. This will make your material stand out from everyone else’s, including the vast amount of content that generative artificial intelligence (AI) produces on a daily basis. Credibility is increased, people are engaged, and long-term success is fostered by experiences and skills. It supports search engines’ objectives to provide consumers with relevant, high-quality content and can help build a solid online presence and boost SEO results.

SEO Formatting

Don’t forget to emphasize these keyword phrases with header tags (particularly an H1), bold, italics, and other emphasis tags; just don’t use them excessively. Even so, you should write in a natural language and manner. Always prioritize SEO over quality writing. Well-written sites prioritize the needs of the user over those of search engines. To locate fresh content opportunities, learn more about SEO marketing.

2. Update Your Content Regularly

It’s likely that you’ve noticed our strong opinions on content. And so do search engines. One of the finest measures of a site’s relevancy is its regularly updated material, so make sure you keep it up-to-date. On a predetermined interval (say, every semester), audit your content and make any necessary modifications.


Adding more content to your departmental news blog—rich in keyword phrases—will also help you rank higher in search results. Even shorter updates on the particular subjects you are aiming for can be included in blog postings. When it’s helpful to the reader to have a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, include links to relevant CMS webpages and blog posts.

3. Metadata

Every page on your website should have a space between the tags for metadata, or information about the page’s contents. The UMC web team will have pre-populated this data if your CMS site was created by them. However, if your website evolves over time, it is crucial that you check and update the information.

Title Metadata

The page titles that appear as the headline in search engine results and at the top of browser windows are determined by title metadata. It is your page’s most significant piece of metadata.

The web team has built an automatic method that generates the meta title for each webpage based on the page title for users that have a CMS website. This highlights the need to utilize carefully considered page names that are packed with relevant keyword terms.

Description Metadata

The textual description that a browser may utilize in the result of your page search is called description metadata. Consider it your website’s window display—a succinct and visually appealing synopsis of what’s inside, meant to entice visitors to visit. Usually, a strong meta description consists of two whole sentences. Even though search engines might not use your meta description every time, it’s still crucial to offer them the choice.

Keyword Metadata

Seldom, if at all, is keyword metadata utilized in search engine ranking calculations. It doesn’t hurt to include your keyword phrases in your keyword metadata, though, as you should already be aware of them. You should use a range of expressions. Try to limit it to three to seven phrases, each of which should have one to four words. An excellent illustration would be “computer science degree.”

Use alt tags

Always use alt tags, or alternative text descriptions, to describe your picture and video content. They are essential because they make it possible for search engines to find your page, especially for users of screen readers or text-only browsers.

4. Have a link-worthy site

An authoritative, impartial, and content-rich homepage that educates readers on topics of interest is likely to draw links from other websites, enhancing search engine optimization.

By including pertinent links within the content, you can increase your credibility and authority. Try writing out the name of the location in place of the “click here” links. “Click here” only provides the associated URL and has no search engine value; in contrast, “Michigan Tech Enterprise Program” is packed with keywords and will raise both your and the linked page’s search engine rankings. Always link keywords with descriptions to provide readers, especially those with impairments, with more content. This not only helps with search engine optimization but also adds value to your content.

SEO Rankings

To monitor your SEO rankings, use tools like Moz, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Google Search Console. You should start to notice an increase in search engine impressions after four to six months. These impressions ought to convert into clicks over the course of the following few months, as you can see in your web analytics and SEO tools.

You can now optimize your content going forward to improve it, gain higher results, and reach your intended audience.

 5. Use technical SEO and mobile optimization 

Ensure that your website is responsive and performs properly on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Remember to optimize all of your media—including images—for faster mobile device loading times. You may evaluate how responsive your website is to mobile devices by using tools like Google’s Lighthouse testing kit.

Use a skilled web development team to implement technical SEO best practices. This entails providing a user experience that is rapid, seamless, efficient, and easy to use. Picture compression, browser caching, and fewer HTTP queries are recommended. Make sure both people and search engines can easily navigate your URL structure. Use schema markup to enhance rich snippets and increase the visibility of your material in search results. 

Why Prioritize Content Creation Over Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO is the practice of influencing search engine rankings using efforts conducted outside of your website. Although the SEO community has differing views on its significance, we think that investing time and money in producing good content for your target audience would benefit your company more in the long run.

High-quality content builds your brand’s reputation as a reliable resource, draws in readers, and keeps them interested. It also promotes sharing and repeat visits. Content production promotes long-term partnerships and organic growth, although off-page SEO strategies could yield short-term results. Rather than depending solely on off-page SEO tactics, we have seen greater, more scalable outcomes by concentrating on the creation of valuable content.

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