Chandrayaan 3 Successful Landing: Unveiling India’s Triumph in Lunar Exploration


Exploring the cosmos has always been a fascination for humankind. In recent years, space agencies worldwide have been striving to unravel the mysteries of the universe. One such remarkable achievement is India’s Chandrayaan 3 mission, which marked a triumphant milestone in the country’s space exploration journey. In this blog, we will delve into the significance, … Read more

New Moon photos are captured by Chandrayaan-3 “on schedule,” at an altitude of roughly 70 km


According to the Indian Space Research Organization (Isro), the Chandrayaan-3 mission will try a soft landing on the Moon on Wednesday, August 23. The space agency has asserted that all operations are running smoothly, and there is a daily routine of system checks to ensure their proper functioning. On August 23, Isro announced on its … Read more

Exploring New Horizons: Chandrayaan-3’s Journey to the Moon

chandrayaan 3

The allure of the moon has captivated humanity for centuries. Its silvery glow and enigmatic presence in the night sky have inspired poets, scientists, and dreamers alike. Over the years, we have made significant strides in unraveling the mysteries of our cosmic neighbor, and India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission is set to take us even further on … Read more

The successful Entry of Chandrayaan-3 into lunar orbit represents a major accomplishment for Isro and the entire country. 

On August 1, the spacecraft finished its loops around the Earth and started traveling across the lunar surface to reach the Moon, a distance of more than 4 lakh kilometers. In brief,  While India prepares for a lunar landing in the coming days, Chandrayaan-3, its third lunar mission, has successfully entered the Moon’s orbit. The … Read more

Two Supermoons in August: Why it is a rare celestial event and how to watch it.

During a supermoon, the Moon’s apparent size in the sky can be up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than a regular full moon. Two supermoons will occur in August for the exceptional occasion. Astronomers will be able to more clearly study the Moon’s topography, geological features, and impact craters thanks to the event’s higher … Read more

Hepatitis the Destroyer : How the viral infection hits your liver

Hepatitis is a liver inflammation typically brought on by viral infections. But it can also be brought on by being exposed to pollutants, drugs, or alcohol. Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E are the five major viruses that cause the disease. The risk factors and methods of transmission differ for each form of viral … Read more

What’s next for India’s moon exploration project, Chandrayaan-3?

In Short:- The fifth and last Earth-bound orbit-raising manoeuvre of Chandrayaan-3, India’s third lunar exploration mission, was successfully conducted, constituting an important step in the project’s ascent to the moon. This achievement was reported by the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) on Tuesday, paving the way for the next Trans-Lunar Injection (TLI). The TLI, which … Read more